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Women’s college

The decision to create the ROPPA women’s college was taken very early on, at the second ROPPA convention. In February 2003, a meeting was organized in Kanelaï in The Gambia in order to define the contours and specific objectives of the women’s college.


The ROPPA Women’s College is a space for discussion and consultation and the defense of women’s interests within ROPPA. It allows women from different platforms to better contribute, based on their own expectations, to building a West African peasant movement representative of all components of the rural world.


More specifically, the ROPPA women’s college aims to:

      1. Promote the expression of specific concerns of women within family farms for their inclusion in programs and policies
      2. Play a role of representation and spokesperson for women at the sub-regional and international level through ROPPA;
      3. Enable women to assert themselves and strengthen their position in peasant organizations
      4. Give visibility to the experiences of farmer organizations in promoting women’s economic activities and taking gender issues into account in agricultural policies Promoting actions to professionalize women in family farms
      5. Define strategies to meet the challenges and issues related to their participation in agricultural development
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