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Reconciling rural youth with family farming and unleashing their potential, in West Africa

11:44 27 April in News

Reconciling rural youth with family farming and unleashing their potential, in West Africa

The view of rural West African youth is too often biased by the stereotypes widely conveyed about them. Between precarious odd jobs, idleness and the temptation to go into exile, it is sometimes difficult to envision these young people rooted in their rural community, and to unleash their potential there. And yet …

Who are these young people? What are their stories? How do they fit into their community? What are their ambitions? How do they see their future? What prospects are emerging for their professional integration into family farms?
It is to answer these questions, and many others, that ROPPA, within its Observatory of family farms, interviewed, for 8 months, young women and young men in 9 countries of the Western Region. African. The results of these meetings, these debates, these surveys are now gathered in 2 important booklets, summarized in 4 short thematic sheets.
Find out more by downloading the booklets and fact sheets

Attached documents

livret_1-anglais-v3bdef.pdf (PDF – 1.7 Mb)
livret_2_anglais_sd.pdf (PDF – 1.6 Mb)
livret_3-eng_v2.pdf (PDF – 1.2 Mb)
fiche_a_anglais.pdf (PDF – 313.7 kb)
fiche_b_anglais.pdf (PDF – 390.3 kb)
fiche_c_anglais.pdf (PDF – 262.3 kb)
fiche_d_anglais.pdf (PDF – 257.2 kb)


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