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Reconciling rural youth with family farming and unleashing their potential, in West Africa

27 April in News

Reconciling rural youth with family farming and unleashing their potential, in West AfricaThe view of rural West African youth is too often biased by the stereotypes widely conveyed about them. Between precarious odd jobs, idleness and the temptation to go into exile, it is sometimes difficult to envision these young people rooted in their rural community, and to unleash their potential there. And yet ...

African Civil Society Consultation for the FAO Regional Conference Accra, Ghana from 07 to 08 December 2017

21 April in News

The next African Civil Society Consultation for the 30th FAO Regional Conference will be held from 07 to 08 December 2017 in Accra, Ghana. This important meeting will be hosted by the Network of Farmers Organizations and Agricultural Producers of West Africa (ROPPA) and organised by the Steering Committee of (a global network of) Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the region, entrusted by FAO, in accordance with the principles of autonomy and self-organization.The FAO Regional Conferences are the highest forums and governing bodies of the Organization at this level, and usually take place once every biennium.Civil Society Consultations are meetings...

African civil society consultation for the FAO regional conference Harare-Zimbabwe from February 25 to 27, 2020

21 April in News

The next consultation of African civil society for the 31st FAO regional conference will take place from 25 to 27 February 2020 in Harare, Zimbabwe. This important meeting, entrusted by FAO, will be organized by the Zimbabwe Forum of Small Organic Farmers (ZIMSOFF) under the direction of the Steering Committee of the Consultation of African Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), in accordance with the principles of autonomy and self-organization.FAO Regional Conferences constitute the highest fora and governing bodies of the Organization at this level, and usually take place once every biennium.Civil Society Consultations are meetings organized independently by and for civil...

West African women facing covid

21 April in News

ROPPA and six West African organizations, APESS, RBM, WILDAF, WANEP, REPSFECO, and ROALJEF-Mali with the support of Oxfam and CARE, have undertaken to highlight the impact of COVID 19 on women in the agrosylvo-pastoral and fisheries sector. Through the consultation of women’s colleges in 13 West African countries, ROPPA has succeeded in highlighting 7 realities that women are experiencing in this time of COVID 19 and 7 solutions proposed to improve response plans and increase their resilience to the pandemic.Download the study ...

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