
ROPPA is an initiative specific to farmers’ organizations and agricultural producers in West Africa. It brings together 13 member national farmer organizations (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo) and associated member farmer organizations (Cap- Green, Nigeria).

Since its creation in June 2000, in Cotonou, ROPPA has positioned itself as a tool for the defense and promotion of family farms which constitute the main production system in West Africa.

Its operation is based on three main principles:

    1. Peasant solidarity which gives a place to everyone by associating all categories of Peasant Organizations and Agricultural Producers in each country and which supports peasant organizations and agricultural producers and their members in the recognition of their identity, their rights and their roles;
    2. Consensus which is the preferred approach for deciding and acting together and;
    3. Transparency by reporting and regularly ensuring the renewal of mandates.

Our Mission

The mission of the Network of Farmers’and Producers’ Organizations in West Africa (ROPPA) is to promote the development of family farms and peasant agriculture while controlling policies related to the liberalization of national economies and the globalization of trade.


ROPPA’s vision revolves around socio-economic development in West Africa based on:


    • Solidarity-based, socially responsible and socially and environmentally sustainable peasant agriculture;


    • Sustainable management of natural resources;


    • Decent agricultural incomes and decent and sustainable jobs in rural areas.



    • Agriculture – in the broad sense – concerns 60 to 80% of the population in each of our countries. It must provide each producer with a sustainable full-time occupation, decent income and a social and environmental living environment;


    • Agriculture must be the basis of food security in each of our countries: provide rural and urban populations with food in sufficient quality and quantity and thereby contribute to the development of the entire national and regional economy;


    • Make our peasant organizations and agricultural producers, their national and sub-regional consultation frameworks credible actors, carriers of proposals and dynamism;


    • Contribute through our mobilization, our capacities and our values ​​to the harmonious and beneficial insertion of our countries, our sub-region and our region in the world of economic relations.


ROPPA pursues the following objectives:

    • Promote and defend the values ​​of efficient and sustainable peasant agriculture at the service of family farms and agricultural producers;
      Inform and train members of Farmers’ Organizations and Associations of agricultural producers based on the relevant experiences of ROPPA members and other development actors;
    • Encourage and support the consultation and structuring of peasant organizations and agricultural producers in each country with a view to their participation / involvement in the definition and implementation of development policies and programs for the agricultural and rural sectors;
    • Promote solidarity between farmers’ organizations and agricultural producers who are members of ROPPA;
    • Ensure the representation of its members at regional and international levels;
    • Promote consultation and cooperation between ROPPA and other similar organizations in the region and around the world.


ROPPA is founded and operates on the following principles:

  • Homogeneity in its sociological and professional composition;
  • Openness to other countries in the West African region;
  • Peasant solidarity, which gives everyone a place and associates all categories of Peasant Organizations and Agricultural Producers in each country and which supports peasant organizations and agricultural producers and their members in the recognition of their identity, their rights and their roles;
  • Consensus as the preferred process for deciding and acting together;
    transparency by reporting and regularly requesting renewal of mandates;
    subsidiarity through the empowerment of national platforms.


The Convention

The Convention is the sovereign body of ROPPA. It is made up of 9 delegates per national member platform, including at least two women, and meets once every two years. The last session of the convention (5th ordinary convention) was held in May 2010 in Abidjan (Ivory Coast).


Board of directors

The Board of Directors is the political body responsible for managing and conducting the affairs of ROPPA between sessions. It carries the positions and proposals of ROPPA in the sub-region and in the world.

The Executive Secretariat

The Executive Secretariat is the technical body of the network. It ensures and coordinates the operational implementation of the network’s strategic plans and develops support services for peasant leaders and national platforms, particularly in terms of monitoring issues relating to regional and sectoral policies (PAU, ECOWAP, etc. ).

The Executive Secretariat ensures the day-to-day management of the Network with a view to all the files on which ROPPA is questioned.

The Executive Secretariat relies not only on elected officials and technicians from national platforms, but also on a network of resource persons, NGOs and consultancies who share the cause defended by the network.


  • Late 1990s - PAS application and economic liberalization:

    withdrawal of States from the productive sector – weakening of agricultural advice – difficulties in accessing factors of production – weakening of certain sectors;

  •  - Weakness / lack of preparation of POs

    Difficulties encountered by POs (low professionalism and lack of resources) in assuming functions formerly assumed by States;

  •  - Sahel 21 process in 1996

    CILSS reflection process to define a vision for the 21st century Sahel – challenges like land tenure security;

  •  - Relaunch of the UEMOA & ECOWAS regional integration process

    desire to advance the process of regional economic integration with agriculture as a sector with high potential for integration;

  •  - Effectiveness of ODA

    Paris Declaration – Accra Plan of Action – Willingness of AU Member Heads of State and Government to Drive a New Approach to Work (NEPAD)

  •  - Consultation of POs in West and Central Africa

    September 1998 on PASA / PISA – process which culminated in the creation of ROPPA in 2000

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